2012年6月18日 星期一

Wiziwig 睇歐國杯, 足球比賽, 籃球等

歐國杯已開始一段時間,有不少網站都受到某電視公司的封殺,呢個網站完全無事, 大家可以放心上呢個睇波。


What's Wiziwig?
Wiziwig is a site specialized in schedules for all kind of Sports. You can watch Live Sports by using our schedules. On top, browse to Live Sports. The information we give is fully free. You only need some clients to download and then you're ready to go. Prepare to watch alot of Football, MLB, NHL, NBA, Cricket, Tennis and many more. 
But there's more, you can also watch Live TV channels and Live Radio stations on your pc, by using the Live TV/Live Radio section. 
Feel free to browse around: After a while you will see Wiziwig is the best guide for all your Live TV, Radio and Live Sports.

New Here?
First take a look on the Beginners guide; http://www.wiziwig.tv/guide.php?part=software . There we explained how to use Wiziwig and how to find all sport events using our schedules. 
Have fun on Wiziwg and make sure to bookmark us. Or follow us on Twitter - Wiziwig Facebook - Wiziwig !
For questions you can go to the FAQ, the Contact page or just go to our Forum. Register for free, and get instant help for all your questions. Enjoy Wiziwig!

Wiziwig 集齊不同體育頻道,方便不同大家睇波, 唯一需要既就係下載串流軟件,以下幾個軟件都十分常用,不妨安裝。

