2010年6月15日 星期二



有內地旅客趁端午節 假期來港,打算用一萬元,購買數碼產品、化妝品及服裝。亦有遊客說,是參加銀行推廣活動來港購物,報名費三十八元,但要用銀行的信用卡,消費最少二百八十八元。

評: 餐廳提供世界杯直播一定賺到笑:) 最低消費都差唔多要50蚊/位

天價幻滅 天匯八成交易爛尾

天匯單位的天價成交幻滅。首批發售的25伙單位,最終只有1伙如期成交及4伙延期成交,而有多達20伙撻訂爛尾,佔首批單位八成,當中更包括呎價7.12 萬元售出的全球最貴分層單位...

評: 嘩!成7萬幾蚊呎, 咁都有人買=.=

天際足球員 (Skyline Soccer)

遊戲名稱: 天際足球員 (Skyline Soccer)

link: http://www.game388.com/flash-game/2133.html

內容: 遊戲會在藍色畫面停頓一會,請耐心等候遊戲下載,如不能進行請按[F5]Reload。

以[滑鼠]調節射球的方向,點擊來射球,場中的實心箭頭是提示還沒完成傳球的隊員,發揮足球的合作精神,Go, Go, Go!


遊戲名稱: 魔塔1.12超变态版


內容: 真係超牛版本, 非常容易破關=.='


遊戲名稱: 经营购物街


內容: 呢隻game有十幾關可以慢慢玩, 但係要一次過玩曬, 唔係會無左個記錄

UUSEE 網絡電視軟件

官網: http://www.uusee.com/

下載 :link

內容: 可以睇到各大電視頻道的軟件, 如cctv, 體育台 等等

塌樹傷者終不治 遺愛捐器官


6-story Jesus statue in Ohio struck by lightning

A six-story statue of Jesus Christ was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, leaving only a blackened steel skeleton and pieces of foam that were scooped up by curious onlookers Tuesday.

The "King of Kings" statue, one of southwest Ohio's most familiar landmarks, had stood since 2004 at the evangelical Solid Rock Church along Interstate 75 in Monroe, just north of Cincinnati.

The lightning strike set the statue ablaze around 11:15 p.m. Monday, Monroe police dispatchers said.

The sculpture, about 62 feet tall and 40 feet wide at the base, showed Jesus from the torso up and was nicknamed Touchdown Jesus because of the way the arms were raised, similar to a referee signaling a touchdown. It was made of plastic foam and fiberglass over a steel frame, which is all that remained Tuesday.

The nickname is the same used for a famous mural of the resurrected Jesus that overlooks the Notre Dame football stadium.

The fire spread from the statue to an adjacent amphitheater but was confined to the attic area, and no one was injured, police Chief Mark Neu said.

Estimated damage from the fire was set at $700,000 — $300,000 for the statue and $400,000 for the amphitheater, Fire Capt. Richard Mascarella said Tuesday.

The Ohio State Highway Patrol was at the scene Tuesday to prevent traffic jams and potential accidents from motorists stopping along the highway to take photographs.

The patrol began issuing citations about 4 p.m. Tuesday to motorists for stopping on the side of the highway, dispatcher Adam Brown said. The number of gawkers coupled with construction had slowed I-75 traffic in the area to a crawl, the state Highway Patrol said.

Some people were scooping up pieces of the statue's foam from the nearby pond to take home with them, said church co-pastor Darlene Bishop.

"This meant a lot to a lot of people," she said.

Keith Lewis, of nearby Middletown, arrived at the church around 7 a.m. Tuesday to photograph the remains for his wife. Lewis said he had viewed the statue as both an oddity and an inspiration.

Cassie Browning, a church member from Dayton, said she was driving home when she saw smoke and noticed the statue was missing.

Travelers on I-75 often were startled to come upon the huge statue by the roadside, but many said America needs more symbols like it. So many people stopped at the church campus that church officials had to build a walkway to accommodate them.

Bishop said the statue will be rebuilt.

"It will be back, but this time we are going to try for something fireproof," she said.

The 4,000-member, nondenominational church was founded by Bishop and her husband, former horse trader Lawrence Bishop.

Lawrence Bishop said in 2004 he was trying to help people, not impress them, with the statue. He said his wife proposed the Jesus figure as a beacon of hope and salvation.