2009年12月4日 星期五

[遊戲] 火雞忍者大對戰(Ninja Turkey)

內容: 遊戲中分為紅色藍色方的火雞忍者,你是屬於紅色的一方,時間限定在60秒內必須想辦法盡量砍殺大量的敵方以獲得高分,在遊戲中有兩次的手榴彈跟後備火雞可使用,睇下你有幾分.


link: http://www.gamme.com.tw/index.php/play/2017/

[ARPG] 寶劍傳說(Sword)

遊戲名稱: 寶劍傳說(Sword)


W A S D = 移動
J = 攻擊
K = 跳
L = 防禦
空白鍵 = 跳過對話
U = 命令弓箭手攻擊
I = 命令弓箭手防禦


[有趣短片] "希特拉" 都取消唔到有線合約

[有趣短片] 一個小女孩破了世界紀錄

[有趣短片] 超爆笑 凶悍的貓和小笨狗的大戰!

[軟件] AVG Anti-Virus (Free Edition) 9.0.707 中文版

軟體名稱:AVG Anti-Virus (Free Edition) 9.0.707 中文版


--使用獨特的 heuristic analysis 與 generic detection methods 掃瞄病毒,不遺漏任何可能的威脅。

[軟件] CCleaner 2.26.1050

軟體名稱: CCleaner v2.26.1050_免安裝
軟體語言: 多國語言

 CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It  removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware! :)

Last updated on 26th November 2009
- Added support to clean Windows DNS cache.
- Added vacuum SQLite databases for Firefox and Google Chrome.
- Added publisher and version to Uninstall tool.
- Added Taskbar jump list tasks for Windows 7.
- Added Taskbar Progress for Windows 7.
- Improved Exclude list registry keys addition functionality in 64bit Windows 7.
- Improved Registry Cleaner detection algorithm and 64-bit file system redirection.
- Improved "Save to text file" functionality in Cleaner Screen.
- Improved system tray icon activation and tooltip.
- Improved Registry screen "fix selected issues" dialog usability by removing
  prompt from "Fix all Selected Issues".
- Further improved RECURSE and REMOVESELF functionality.
- Improved Uninstall screen detection algorithm.
- Improved memory usage to avoid GDI leaks.
- Fixed issue with Sticky Notes being detected as Missing startup item.
- Fixed "Edit" and "Remove" button availability on Include/Exclude screen.
- Fixed various GUI bugs.

[軟件] KMPlayer

軟件名稱: KMPlayer
官網: http://www.kmplayer.com/forums/index.php
下載網址: http://kmplayer.en.softonic.com/

好好用既睇片軟件, 我睇高清電影都係用佢!!

[有趣短片] 英國人怎樣說「死開」?



1. 認為愛情是必需品,但其實戀愛只是人生的一部分
2. 把拍拖看得非常表面化,多以物質衡量,例如以為拍拖必須悉心打扮一番,且要花許多錢
3. 傾向以個人利益出發,只衡量自己能夠得到什麼,如可得到物質供應和消磨時間
4. 認為「女追男」有違傳統,其實向對方表達好感不應受性別所限